TikTok for Marketing

TikTok app being shown on a mobile phone

You have no doubt heard mention of TikTok online in the past year. Perhaps you are even one of the 3.7 million users who browse the app every day within the UK. However, have you considered how this social media newcomer can be used in your marketing strategy? In this blog we will cover what TikTok is, the primary demographics who are using it and how you could promote your business on the app.

So, what is TikTok?

TikTok is a visual social media platform that works by sharing user generated video content. The app allows users to create and share a variety of short videos from 15 to 60 seconds long. These clips tend to showcase dance trends, comedy skits or fun educational content. Most of these videos are created on the app and involve catchy music and quirky cuts. However, users can also upload videos created on third party apps and these can be up to 3 minutes long.

Who is using the app?

TikTok has skyrocketed in popularity over the past year, especially with a younger audience. It has already been downloaded over 2 billion times worldwide and roughly 41% of users are between 16-24 years old. TikTok is particularly popular in the US and China, however it has seen major growth in the UK over the past year. Research suggests that 17.5% of smartphone users in the UK have downloaded and use TikTok, 10% of women and 7.5% of men. Though the majority of users are teens and young adults, more and more people of all ages are starting to join in on the fun. One of the best things about TikTok is that it puts a focus on content rather than follower numbers. Someone with <50 followers is just as likely to go viral on the app as some of the most popular influencers.

How to promote your brand on TikTok

Due to its huge surge in popularity, and the sheer number of users on the app, it is definitely worth considering creating an account for your company. As long as the content you are uploading is light-hearted and fun, you will likely fit in well on the platform. Here are our top suggestions for how to use TikTok’s unique format.

Create your own branded content.

This platform seems to work particularly well for companies that sell apparel or beauty products. However, as long as you are creative with your content, almost any brand can fit in on the app. If you sell shoes, you can show them off by participating in the dance challenges. If you sell makeup you could easily jump on some of the tutorial trends or create your own. For chefs, why not use quick cut editing to show how you make some of your favourite dishes. Other content that performs well on the app are tips & hacks, comedy skits, beauty transformations, lip syncs and, of course, clips of cute animals.

Curate and share user generated content.

One of the most powerful applications of any social media channel is the ability to interact with your existing customer base. You are likely to find people using your product or service within videos on the app that you can then favourite and share on your own profile. If you are still starting out, you can encourage users to get involved with your brand by creating a challenge involving your product. TikTok users love to share tips, tricks and hacks so why not challenge users to find the most creative way to use your product and share your favourite responses.

Influencer partnerships.

As with any social platform, there are certain users on TikTok who have managed to create a large and loyal following. Many of these influencers are open to partnerships and this can be a great way to promote your brand with a specific audience. However, it’s imperative to make sure that the person you associate with shares your brand values and has viewers from your target audience. The company recently launched their ‘TikTok Creator Marketplace’ where companies can find content creators relevant to their brand to match with.

TikTok advertisements.

TikTok offers in stream ads so that your own TikTok content or custom ad will be shown to users scrolling through the app. These can even be interactive to help you engage further with your target customers. You can find out more about how to purchase ad space at TikTok for Business.

So now you know a little more about TikTok and how to use it in your marketing strategy. For more social media advice, check out our Beginners Guide. Good Luck!