LinkedIn Marketing: A beginner’s guide

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LinkedIn is one of the most popular social media platforms, with 740 million users around the globe and over 55 million registered companies. It was one of the first social media platforms specifically designed for business professionals. A LinkedIn profile can add significant value to your brand as it allows you to connect with people who are specifically interested in your services or industry. It works particularly well for B2B (business to business) companies. LinkedIn is also a great place for individuals to network and make professional connections which can lead to new job opportunities.

So, how can you make the most of this social media giant? Below we’ll outline how to set up your page professionally and our top tips to build the right kind of engagement.

Setting up your business profile:

Create your account

LinkedIn makes creating a new account nice and simple. If you already have a personal profile, simply click on the ‘Work’ tab in the top right of the navigation bar and select ‘Create a LinkedIn Page’. Otherwise simply click right here which will take you to LinkedIn’s business site or search “create LinkedIn company page” on your chosen search engine. From here you just need to follow the step-by-step process. Make sure when choosing your custom URL that you keep it short and similar to your handles and usernames on other social networks. You will also be given the option to add a logo and tagline, do not skip this step! A logo adds authenticity to your business, people are 6 times more likely to visit your page if you have a professional logo.

Complete your page

Now it’s time to add some real value to your new page. Visit your company’s profile and click on the ‘Edit Page’ button or the little pencil icon opposite your company name.

  • Cover Photo
    Create an eye-catching banner in line with your company’s branding.
  • Description
    Use your brand voice to write a brief description of your company’s offering, values and vision. Try to include keywords to make this section SEO friendly.
  • Location
    You can add multiple office or store locations to show the areas you operate within.
  • Languages
    You can also include translations of your name, tagline and description in many different languages. This is ideal if you are a global brand, or have a multilingual target market.
  • Custom Button
    Finally, you should include a call to action button on your page. Options such as contact us, visit website, register and sign up are all great choices. Make sure to add the correct URL so people are directed to the right place.

Let people know 

  • Notify your employees who have LinkedIn accounts and encourage them to follow and interact with the company page.
  • Share your new LinkedIn account on other socials to encourage existing clients and customers to connect with you on the platform.
  • Update your social media buttons on your website, newsletter and email signature so that people can easily find all of your accounts. 

Top marketing tips:

  • Include quality media such as photos and videos. Posts that include images, videos, blog posts or links to websites receive a much higher rate of engagement than those without. Make sure to avoid stock imagery where possible.
  • Include a clear call to action to encourage your audience to engage in the way you want them to.
  • Lead with a question that will encourage people to engage and respond with the topic of your post. LinkedIn has the option to create a poll on your post which is a great function to build interaction.
  • Schedule your posts regularly and at key times. LinkedIn users tend to check their social feed before work, during coffee or lunch breaks and just after they finish for the day, so posting at these times will help to boost engagement. Companies that post weekly or daily perform better than those who only post once a month. However, you should always prioritise quality over quantity.
  • Consult LinkedIn’s integrated analytics to get the most from your account, identify which of your posts resonate most with your audience and where you might need to make some changes to your content.
  • Utilise LinkedIn live and story functions to update, and interact with, your followers in real time and add personality to your brand.

There you have it – our beginners guide to LinkedIn! If you’d like some more advice about other social media platforms, be sure to check out our previous blogs here. You can also connect with us using the icons below.