Shrpa 2021 Predictions

Two people holding up balloons reading 2021.

2020 has been a rollercoaster year for everyone, so what are our predictions for 2021? Going in and out of lockdown has affected us all and also our businesses. Small businesses in particular have found themselves in difficult positions as they try to navigate the ever-changing landscape.

While 2020 has had unique challenges, we have all evolved and learned new things. A key point we have taken from this year is that any decrease in marketing and communication results in a direct decrease in customer engagement. Looking to the year ahead, our top marketing predictions for 2021 are:

Social will continue to dominate

Social media became a lifeline for brands during the pandemic. The general public spend more time online this year than ever before – possibly something to do with the fact nobody was able to do anything else! With physical locations closed, brands had to look online to connect with their customers.

We’ve seen seriously impressive stuff achieved on social media this year, with Sir Captain Tom’s fundraising and Marcus Rashford’s campaigning being a couple of amazing examples. Social media certainly isn’t going anywhere, so it’s time to get involved if you’re not already!  You can read our beginners guide here to get you started.

Digital marketing will lead the way  

People spending most of their year indoors and online has also caused a big spike in online ad spend. According to ChannelAdvisor and Dynata, ecommerce will become the “new norm” in a post-pandemic world. 59% of 25-36-year-olds say they expect their online shopping will increase.

With an increase in online shopping, brands have invested more in their online advertising. British businesses are spending increasing amounts on online marketing to expand their customer bases in the wake of ongoing COVID-19 restrictions, according to business card data from HSBC UK. Furthermore, a study by eMarketer showed that advertising on ecommerce platforms jumped 39% in 2020 and will grow another 30% in 2021, capturing 13% of total U.S. digital ad spend.

The revival of email

Many of the traditional marketing channels have found themselves redundant this year. On the other hand, email marketing has remained an ever-popular choice. The ease of access to email marketing has helped solidify its position as one of the main digital marketing strategies.

Because it’s so cost effective it has become an extra popular choice during the pandemic as businesses cut other marketing costs. With an estimated ROI of £32.28 for every £1 spent, one of the main reason businesses invest in email marketing is the great ROI it offers for a very low initial cost.

Our 2020

Here at Shrpa, when we reflect on the past year, we have lots to talk about. We’ve proudly watched our clients grow in order to adapt to the changes happening around them. We’ve also met lots of brilliant new clients who have taken a leap this year to start the business of their dreams. During 2020 we launched many amazing new client sites and worked hard on updates for our existing client base.

We want to thank all of our wonderful clients for their support this year. We’ve loved getting you all online and making sure your websites look their best.

Looking to our own 2021 predictions – we have plenty to be excited about!